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Engaging employees at all levels to drive continuous improvement

Writer's picture: Kat HounsellKat Hounsell

According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, low employee engagement costs the global economy US$8.9 trillion! And, the problem is widespread, with a depressing (almost) 90% of UK employees being disengaged from their jobs. It feels like a mountain to climb.

The Kaizen approach to continuous improvement champions collaboration and full team involvement. Not only does this lead to positive outcomes for product development and innovation, but it also can lead to an increase in employee engagement and happiness.

We spoke to Zoho, which involves its teams, from the most junior to the most senior, in problem-solving and developing its software. This not only helps improve its products but has also resulted in teams being happier. It's a win-win!

Video Transcript

Darryl: So, Hi Faiyaz from Zoho.

Faiyaz: Hi Darryl, how are you?

Darryl: I'm very well and I believe you got a story about how your teams are happier because of continuous Improvement.

Faiyaz: Yes, exactly.

Darryl:So, would you mind sharing it?

Faiyaz: Yes, sure, why not. I'm from India and I'm from representing Zoho company today and in Zoho we have around like 55 plus applications online and we have like all sorts of softwares available, like if you want to send email we have Zoho Mail, if you want to create projects we have Zoho projects, and we have for agile we have Zoho Sprints. Yeah. So we do have like a lot of softwares available in Zoho. And 

today we are promoting Zoho projects and Zoho Sprints in this platform and the good thing about Zoho is like we sit together in a conference room and we decide like what best in future is going to happen. And we don't use any third-party services, we use all of our Zoho softwares and try to implement our business idea.

I'll give you an example how we use that, okay. Let's say that we sell a product and a customer reports a problem to us. What we will do is we have a software called Zoho desk which is for ticketing software. We will send tickets from there and we will get tickets from the customers in Zoho desk Department, in a tool. From there what we will do is we will take that to the project and then we'll check whether it's an issue reported by a customer. Yes, if it is an issue, how long will it take to solve.

So, the entire development team will be added into the Zoho projects, so they'll start working on it and once it is completed they'll tell me, they'll notify me. Everything is automated here. So they'll just let me message that this issue has been fixed now and we can report back to the user.  

So I go back to Zoho desk and I reply the ticket, "Hey this is fixed and done", and in the month I'll get to know the stats, like how many tickets were transferred from Zoho desk to Zoho projects, who created an issue, you know. So this is all mainly possible because of collaboration. Okay. So only if you sit and discuss with your team people 

regarding the ideas, you might get ideas from every corner.

Let us say that you have a junior and you have a senior, you have a super senior. No one bothers here, because right now you can even get the idea from junior. And, the ideas which we have today are based on customers' feedback and majorly because of the feedback from our juniors and seniors as well. So a platform should be like very smooth and easy to work and everyone should be like on the same base and all of them should run towards one goal and that is to be, to enhance the product and make more profit towards it. So work together and be happy together and just.  

I know there will be a lot of misunderstandings, ups and downs here and there. So let's just avoid  it because at the end of the day, you and me are both working for the product, to make it better and make more profit, so your family is happy, my family is happy and altogether, our family is happy.

So, thank you, thank you Darryl for casting this up. Really nice talk to you.

Darryl: Thank you Faiyaz

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